Without cancellation insurance or with cancellation insurance and without a valid reason for cancellation (without cover), the following cancellation conditions shall apply. The charges payable by the hirer to TopParken in the event of cancellation shall be:

a. in case of cancellation from 93 days before arrival, 15% of the total rental amount;
b. In case of cancellation from 62 to 93 days before arrival, 50% of the total rental amount;
c. for cancellation from 31 to 62 days before arrival, 75% of the total rental amount;
d. for cancellation from 1 to 31 days before arrival, 90% of the total rental amount;
e. in case of cancellation on the day of arrival or in case of early departure, 100% of the total rental amount.

If you have booked via TopParken (via the website or by telephone), you can cancel free of charge up to 24 hours after booking.

If you have rebooked your stay at an earlier stage and then wish to cancel, modified cancellation conditions apply. For more information, please contact 088 - 500 2424 or verhuur@topparken.nl.

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